Lisbon Montessori School schedules*
08:15 – Students are welcomed in school
08:30 – 11:30 Montessori Work Cycle**
11:30 – 12:00 Outdoor free-play (Half-Day Casa students go home at 12:20)
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
08:30 – 11:30 Montessori Work Cycle**
11:30 – 12:00 Outdoor free-play (Half-Day Casa students go home at 12:20)
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 14:30 Montessori Work Cycle**
14:30 – 15:30 Outdoor free-play (children are dismissed at 15:30)
14:30 – 15:30 Outdoor free-play (children are dismissed at 15:30)
8:30 – Students are welcomed in school
08:30 – 11:30 Montessori Work Cycle**
11:30 – 12:00 Lunch
12:00 – 12:45 Outdoor free play
12:45 – 15:30 Montessori Work Cycle** (Portuguese lessons end the cycle)
15:30 Students are dismissed
12:00 – 12:45 Outdoor free play
12:45 – 15:30 Montessori Work Cycle** (Portuguese lessons end the cycle)
15:30 Students are dismissed
* This is an example of a ‘typical’ day in our Montessori classroom. Since we practice Montessori approach, we follow the child. Timings may change due to special events and the needs of the children.
** At LMS we respect child’s natural pace and strive to foster their autonomy. Thus, morning and afternoon snacks are made available to children, so that they can serve themselves in their own time during the Work Cycle. During the afternoon cycle elementary students may do sports or team games in the outdoors. Casa students supervised by the assistant staff may visit the gym in the back garden.
Lisbon Montessori School academic calendar.
Calendar notes:
- A normal academic year is made of 178-180 student contact days.
- A fall break around Halloween, two weeks of Winter Holidays, one week of Spring Break oriented around Easter, and two days for Carnaval celebrations are permanent features.
- There are two weeks of staff-in-service after school is dismissed and before the new year starts for professional development and environment consolidation.
- Generally the Casa Summer Camp is planned during four weeks in July.
Important: Please note that the information pack for the new academic year is sent to parents one week before the first day of school. Please check the calendar for planning your participation in important events.